🌱What are Gauranga ->Acharya’s instructions?

Ways of Saranagati -> Krsna Prema/ loving devotional service.

🌱Why hear Srimad Bhagavatam and Sudha Nama?

For Priti Smarana of Krsna so loving devotional service can overflow.

🌱What should be our short term goal and prayer?

 To be with Nama prayerfully moment after moment so the Rupa and Guna are revealed on Their sweet accord for Priti Smarana 

🌱What can we do so our bhajan can be the way acharyas taught us / Sudha Nama bhajan?

Internal mood ( bhava rupa bhakti) and external action

( chesta rupa bhakti):

🌸Acharyopasana for bhava rupa bhakti:

  1. -Very submissively hear what acharyas are saying in their bhajans and teachings.
  2. -Imbibe their deep and humble mood.
  3. -Get deep into Srila Prabhupada purports and gurujana vakya: SInterurrender/ Saranagati, love of Godhead/ Krsna Prema, loving devotional service.
  4. -Develop attachment to these acharyas/ raga bhaktas. This is the only way to get our bhakti in raga manga/ spontaneous devotional service in the mood of Vrajavasis.

Above things are very potent since they can change our desires deeply and give Krsna seva vasana ( desire to serve Krsna). Our tendency to enjoy is very deep and subtle and cannot be changed otherwise.

We are jiva tattva. Guru tattva has descend down to rescue and transform us. There is no other way this jiva can come out of this clutches of material enjoyment.

 🌸Niskama karma/ karma adhikar/ for chesta rupa bhakti:

🌱We tend to give lot of emphasis or exclusively do only chesta rupa / external bhakti  and we almost get stuck and crippled there fighting with our mind about ourselves and others/  anarthas. What we perform is only bhakti abhasa and Nama abhasa it namapradha there.

Detachment and steadiness in service comes when we are in mode of goodness. So we should be vigilant of the modes ( BG 16, 17, 18)  and take all measures to stay in sattva.

🌱We also need higher taste to come out of this entangled situation.

Only satovritti(saintly association) can bring us out of that muck and give us the strength and taste. 

Therefore, we should have that serious and sincere saintly association regularly until we imbibe those saintly qualities. 

This is why of all the upadesas in Upadesamrta, satovritti is the topmost and crucial.

This is why SB instructs again and again to take saintly association.

(Acharyopasana : SB 3.29.17 p)

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah 🙏🙏

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