Gauranga’s instruction- SB/ Sudha Nama- Bhavarupa and Chestarupa bhakti
🌱What are Gauranga ->Acharya’s instructions? Ways of Saranagati -> Krsna Prema/ loving devotional service. 🌱Why hear Srimad Bhagavatam and Sudha Nama? For Priti Smarana of Krsna so loving devotional service can overflow. 🌱What should be our short term goal and prayer? To be with Nama prayerfully moment after moment so the Rupa and Guna are revealed […]
Niraparadha Nama
🌱cultivate desire for Niraparadh Nama.🌱It is difficult for who are dwelling in material bodies.🌱But deep desires when expressed in words brings forth the action🌱with awareness of aparadhas.🌱therefore those progressive disciples are protected by Nama Himself🌱and lead them to spontaneity. HH Vedavyasapriya Swami
*Reflections on Harinam by His Holiness Vedavyasa priya Swami sanga*
• Golokera premadhana Harinama sankirtana Holy Name/Prema rasa is not something that begins and ends. It has been always present and will remain eternally. • My dear Lord, You are glorified by the selected verses uttered by great personalities. Such glorification of Your lotus feet is just like saffron particles. When the transcendental vibration from the mouths of great devotees carries the aroma of […]
Kindly pick me up from this rubble!
Depend on the sweet Lord Govinda/ Holy Name with joy as a baby depends on it’s mother’s lap, and let the spontaneous service flow out to the pankaja palasa vilasa… to the soft, fragrant lotus feet of Govinda. But, how is it possible? My mind is full of everything and everyone but Krsna! My mind […]
Krsna Prema
Krsna Prema is happening with every Hare Krsna mantra we utter, whether we are filled with anarthas or we can’t focus or we are neophytes or we are feeling hopeless and disqualified. How is that possible?Krsna Prema to a conditioned jiva is made possible only by Gauranga who brought this premadhana from Goloka Vrindavan, and […]