Audio One
Gauranga’s instruction- SB/ Sudha Nama- Bhavarupa and Chestarupa bhakti
🌱What are Gauranga ->Acharya’s instructions? Ways of Saranagati -> Krsna Prema/ loving devotional service. 🌱Why hear Srimad Bhagavatam and Sudha Nama? For Priti Smarana of Krsna so loving devotional service can overflow. 🌱What should be our short term goal and prayer? To be with Nama prayerfully moment after moment so the Rupa and Guna are revealed […]
Niraparadha Nama
🌱cultivate desire for Niraparadh Nama.🌱It is difficult for who are dwelling in material bodies.🌱But deep desires when expressed in words brings forth the action🌱with awareness of aparadhas.🌱therefore those progressive disciples are protected by Nama Himself🌱and lead them to spontaneity. HH Vedavyasapriya Swami